Wolds Volunteer Network
As part of the Coronation celebrations, King Charles III is placing great emphasis on volunteering and, as a way of acknowledging this, Driffield Town Council are launching the Wolds Volunteer Network.
The Council wish to create a directory of organisations from Driffield and the surrounding villages that welcome the involvement of volunteers. We wish to provide a simple, easily accessible way for those who want to help out in their community to access the groups who need volunteers!
To download an application form and have your organisation added to the list, please click here.
Below are the organisations who have already added their name to the list. If you would like to give your assistance to them, please contact them direct using the details shown.
Organisation | Nature of Volunteer Work | Contact Name | Contact Number | Contact Email |
2nd Driffield (Church of England) Scout Group | Leaders for Scouts, Cubs, and Beavers. Various roles | Alex Blythe | 07871 897935 | alexblythe75@gmail.com |
Age UK Hull and East Riding | Befrienders – Telephone and Home Visiting | Charlotte Park | 01482 324644 | Charlotte.park@ageukhull.org.uk |
Driffield Children’s Outing (Driffield Trip Day!) | Active trustee committee members | Stuart Bradshaw | 01377 253163 | seb.18@btinernet.com |
Driffield Methodist Church | Providing lunches for isolated people, helping with your persons and many other opportunities | Richard Teal | richard.teal@methodist.org.uk | |
Driffield Skatepark | Help run sessions, and fundraising | Lucie Fletcher | 01377 538070 or 07968 704455 | driffieldskatepark@gmail.com |
East Riding Pipe Band | Playing the bagpipes! | Pipe Major | 07817 603096 | |
East Yorkshire Community Transport | Volunteer Drivers | Jane Evison | 07815 489682 | jane.evison@eyct.co.uk |
Friends of the Beck (Driffield) | Litter picking, and planting | Darren Baker | dpb.1@tiscali.co.uk | |
Girlguides (Rainbows, Brownies, Guides | Help with units | Kathryn Blackburn | 01377 324154 | blackburnkathryn407@gmail.com |
Guide Dogs for the Blind | Fund raising volunteers | Adele Richards | 07506 717537 | adele.richards@hotmail.co.uk |
Hull CVS | Hull CVS Health Captains are looking for empathic and caring people to ensure the health and wellbeing needs of people who may be lonely and have healthcare issues. | Hull CVS | 01482 595395 | |
Hydro4Health | Secretary | Alan Renshaw | 07717 076230 | al57ren@gmail.com |
Kilham Playing Field Association | Supporting events in various roles, and a secretary | Nicola Knaggs | kpfaevents@outlook.com | |
The Cinnamon Trust | Dog Walking Supporters | Sally Collins | 01736 758707 | sallycollins@cinnamon.org.uk |
Time2Vounteer | Platform for East Riding that advertises a wide range of one-off or longer-term volunteer opportunities with various organisations | Ellie Goodyear | 01482 590270 | volunteering@heysmilefoundation.org |
Ultra Trails | Marshalling at the start and end of events | Grant Smalley | 07807 920015 | support@ultratrails.co.uk |
Wolds and Coast District Scouts | Activity planning, tea making, tidy uppers. Also willing to help at other events held by other groups when available to do so! | Sheenagh Austin | 07961 944331 | events@humbersidescouts.org.uk |
Yorkshire Wolds Railway | Painting, gardening,track laying, shop work, driving etc | John Lidster | 01377 338053 | john@yorkshirewoldsrailway.org.uk |