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Staff & Town Councillors

Our Staff

Town Clerk – Mr Matthew Brown.  To contact the Town Clerk email

Tidy Team – Mr Andy Wilson, Mr Robert Flake, Mr Peter Shannon and Mr David Dale.

If you need to contact the Tidy Team please email

Our Councillors

For Driffield Town Council Councillors Register of Interests follow this link:

To find out which ward you live in please view an interactive map by clicking here or call ERYC Electoral Services on 01482 393300


Ward: South West Ward – Uncontested May 2023

Committees: Personnel,  Property and Asset

DTC Delegate: Chair of the Driffield Healthy Town project (Alfred Bean Hospital)

Trustee: The Wold Rangers Way

Trustee: Driffield Men In Sheds

Trustee: Humberside Scouts

Trustee: The G.B. Dunning Charity

Member: Driffield Agricultural Society

Patron: Yorkshire Wolds Railway

ERYC Ward Councillor: representing Driffield & Rural Ward

With my roots in Driffield and the Wolds, I care about Driffield and always strive to promote the Town and the Wolds area in everything I do.  I take my role on Driffield Town Council seriously because I’ve come to know, first hand, that through commitment and involvement in various committees and working groups, positive progress can be made.



Ward: South West Ward – Uncontested May 2023

Committees: Personnel, Property and Asset

DTC Delegate: Community Centre Management Committee, Driffield Youth Action

Trustee: Driffield Youth Action

Trustee: Driffield Community Centre

Trustee: Driffield & District Skate & BMX Park Ltd.

Email: Contact Town Clerk

Cllr Matt Rogers CLLR MATT ROGERS 

Ward: North Ward – Uncontested May 2023

Committees: Personnel, Property & Asset

DTC Delegate: None

Trustee: Driffield Millennium Green Trust

Originating from the East Riding of Yorkshire (Bridlington), I grew up in rural North Yorkshire in Ryedale, so have very firm roots within the countryside, with strong agricultural connections. I moved to Driffield with my job, having worked in education for a number of years. I run a small holding on the edge of Driffield which helps keep my hand in with my passion for agriculture and the countryside and I am the landlord of The Original Keys in Market Place.

Being part of Driffield Town Council means a great deal to me, because I feel that being part of the decision making for this great town is an important role and should not be taken lightly. Our town needs people to help guide and push forward, develop and create a Driffield ready to evolve for the next generation.

Town councillors do their best for this town and people will agree or disagree with our policies and the decisions which are being made, but this is all part of the fun. Local governance does not have to be dull and boring and I appeal to people of all ages, from all walks of life, to get involved and become part of Driffield Town Council when positions become available.

Email: Contact Town Clerk


Ward: North Ward – Uncontested May 2023

Committees: Personnel, Events and Markets

DTC Delegate: None

Trustee: The League of Friends of the Alfred Bean Hospital

Email: Contact Town Clerk

CLLR FRED SMITH (Deputy Mayor)

Ward:  North Ward – Uncontested May 2023

Committees: Environment and Planning

DTC Delegate: None

We moved here from Willerby were I was a Parish councillor for many years and a short time as ward councillor.

I like to be involved in the area I live. Since moving here 2 years go I have been successfully co-opted onto the Driffield town council. As I am retired I can give my time to the organised events.

Email: Contact Town Clerk


Ward: South Ward – Uncontested May 2023

Committees:  None

DTC Delegate:  None

Email: Contact Town Clerk


Ward:  South West Ward – Uncontested May 2023

Committees: Events and Markets, Environment and Planning, Property and Asset, Appeals

DTC Delegate:  None

Born in Manchester, I have lived in both the North and South of the country during my adult life. Since the summer of 2020, I have been very proud to call Driffield my home. With a diverse background that includes running market stalls in Cheshire and across Cambridgeshire, as well as honing my skills in graphic design and web development, I bring a wealth of experiences to the table. I chose to settle in Driffield due to my love for its tranquil rural atmosphere and my deep passion for the environment and wildlife. In my spare time, I enjoy taking walks in the countryside, playing board games, and actively contributing to the community wherever I can.

Email:  Contact Town Clerk


Ward: South West Ward – Uncontested May 2023

Committees: Events and Markets, Environment and Planning, Property and Asset, Appeals

DTC Delegate:  None

I have lived in Driffield for my whole life and I am proud to say I have never wished to live elsewhere. My family all live in and around Driffield and have been supportive of me in many aspects of my life including my council duties. I attended all the local schools and I now work in Beverley in Purchasing.

Outside of the council and work, my interests are going to the gym, walking, reading, darts and archery. I am the Chairman of my local archery club, Wolds Archers, which is based in Brandesburton.  I have been shooting for around 10 years now and find it a very rewarding sport, everywhere Archery takes me I always tell people how wonderful a place to live Driffield is.

I am very proud to call my myself a Driffield Town Councillor, I have worked over the years with my colleagues to try and ensure a bright and prosperous future for Driffield and will continue to do so in an ever-changing environment. I am very passionate about Driffield and will do my best to serve the town and its residents in my years to come as a Town Council member.

Email: Contact Town Clerk


Ward: South Ward – Uncontested May 2023

Committees: Events and Markets

DTC Delegate:  Friends of North End Park

Having called Driffield my home since 2003, I am proud to represent the South Ward on Driffield Council. It’s great that the town offers so much to young and old and I feel there is more we can do. Driffield has a great sporting heritage and this is something I like to support personally and I will do all I can to support through the council.

Email: Contact Town Clerk


Ward: North Ward – Uncontested May 2023

Committees: Events and Markets, Environment and Planning

DTC Delegate:  None

I have lived in Driffield and surrounding villages all my life. My family live here and the Watson side of the family have farmed in the area for generations, so I feel I have a strong connection with the area – it’s basically where I feel at home.

As a town councillor I have an opportunity to make a difference to people locally, and try and champion local causes at higher levels and try and change things for the better.

It saddens me to see land and buildings in the town degrading into ruin. With the lack of social housing and local people priced out of the housing market, it seems ridiculous we can’t use these buildings to help solve these issues. As a Town Council we must keep pressure on the owners of land and buildings being left unoccupied so they can be transformed into something good for the town.

I always like to look forward, and I also care deeply about the environment. Our town has to be ready for the challenges of climate change and be at the forefront of change. I have been heavily involved with Electric Vehicle charging coming to Driffield and will push for more charging infrastructure in the town.

As well as looking forward, we have to face the environmental issues happening right now on our doorsteps. I’m against fracking, and will continue to fight against it.

I believe in social justice and equality, being in a minority group myself I know how hard life can be sometimes, so I will always help in the struggle for an equal society.

Driffield is a special place, a lovely town and community filled with people who want the best for it. There is always room to improve and develop but we must be mindful as to keep our market town charming and distinctive. I will champion local businesses so the town can be the best it can be, offer residents a diverse array of opportunities to drive the towns economy and bring people to the town from further afield.

Ultimately, I want to improve Driffield for the better, for the residents that live here and for the people that visit and contribute to the local economy. It’s my home town and I’m passionate about making it a nicer place for everyone.


Cllr Spencer Fletcher CLLR Spencer Fletcher

Ward: – West Ward – Co-opted June 2023

Committees: Property and Asset, Appeals

DTC Delegate:

Email: Contact Town Clerk

CLLR William Strath

Ward: – West Ward – Co-opted June 2023

Committees: Events and Markets, Environment and Planning

DTC Delegate:

Born in Salford, I began teaching in Secondary Education in 1971.  Over a 47 year career I worked in Schools at all levels and stages of education in England, Africa and the Middle East.  Following final retirement, I try to involve myself in my local community by volunteering and fund raising for local causes.  Driffield is a town I am pleased to have settled in and hope to serve and support the community in its continuing needs and further development.

Email: Contact Town Clerk

CLLR Marie Strath

Ward: – West Ward – Co-opted June 2023

Committees: Events and Markets

DTC Delegate:

I was born in Manchester and worked in education for over forty years. I taught in Salford, different places abroad and in the south of England. Since retiring, I have tried to make myself useful to my local community by taking on a variety of voluntary roles.

I enjoy meeting people and have found Driffield to be a really friendly, vibrant community. A community It is my pleasure to serve and be a part of.

Email: Contact Town Clerk

CLLR Carla Bekker

Ward: – West Ward – Co-opted June 2023

Committees: Envrinonment and Planning, Property and Asset

DTC Delegate:

I have lived in Driffield for most of my life, attending Driffield School and owning a business in Driffield.  I am very passionate about Driffield and could not imagine living elsewhere.

I am on the committee for the Driffield and Wolds Create community and assist in many of the events that happen throughout the year.

Email: Contact Town Clerk

CLLR Paul Symons

Ward: – West Ward – Co-opted January 2024

Committees: Events and Markets, Environment and Planning

DTC Delegate:

I was born in Ferryhill Co Durham and moved to Driffield in November 2022 I worked in Security for 24 years as a Close Protection Officer and Dog Handler and I now work as a PTS Ambulance driver covering the Yorkshire area.

I am a former Town Councilor for Newton Aycliffe where I was on a handful of committees including Events. I hopefully made a difference in Newton Aycliffe and hopefully will make a difference in Driffield.

Email: Contact Town Clerk

CLLR Ben Smith

Ward: – South West Ward – Co-opted July 2023

Committees: Environment and Planning, Property and Asset, Appeals

DTC Delegate:

I have lived in the East Riding of Yorkshire throughout my life, originally living in Nafferton before moving to Driffield two years ago. I spent my school days at Driffield Secondary School and Driffield Sixth Form, before moving on to study a Bachelor’s Degree in Geography at the University of Hull, and continuing my studies there to obtain a Master’s Degree in Renewable Energy.

I am passionate about the environment, the transition to net zero, and the local area, I am committed to representing the local community and enjoy sitting as a Councillor in the town.

Email: Contact Town Clerk