Property & Asset Committee
The Property and Asset Committee usually meet on the 2nd Wednesday of every month (apart from August) at 7pm in the council offices at 2-4 Market Walk, Driffield. Agendas and minutes are available below.
Driffield Town Council own various buildings, their offices and meeting rooms at Market Walk, Cass Hall community hall, the Skerne Park depot and have long term leases on two public convenience blocks at Cross Hill and North End and a depot at North Street. We also own various areas of land and a play park at St Margaret’s Close. In addition, we own several vehicles including a cherry picker and a vast array of equipment that allows our operational team to carry out their duties. The Property and Asset Committee oversee the care and running of all our assets.
The committee also oversee the town centre CCTV system that features (at the time of writing), 53 CCTV cameras across the town. Driffield Town Council own and administer the system and are the data controllers working in partnership with Humberside Police, who are the data processors
In addition, Driffield Town Council own and adminster the allotments on Cemetary Lane that number 121 plots.
Minutes for previous meetings can be requested from the clerk.