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Driffield Classic Car Sunday

Welcome to Driffield’s Classic Car Sunday 2025!

Taking place on Sunday 27 April on Cross Hill Car Park, vehicles to be shown can access the site from 09.30-11am. At 11, the site will then be closed to vehicle movements and open to the visiting public until 2pm. Vehicles will then have until 4pm to vacate the site when the car park will reopen.

This will be a great opportunity to show off your vehicle to the town on what is set to be a fun and FREE day!

Space is limited, so please submit the form below to show your vehicle today!

Event Vehicle Booking Form

    Exhibitor Details

    Are you a blue badge holder that requires an additional space to access your vehicle?

    Vehicle Details

    If you are NOT the registered keeper, please provide their details below:

    Events Terms and Conditions

    1.  Vehicles are displayed at the owners risk. The event organiser and Driffield Town Council do not accept any liability for any loss or damage caused to any vehicle or Property.

    2.  Each entrant must hold a full current driving licence, and hold a current policy of insurance covering their use against third party risks, and where applicable, holding a current certificate of road worthiness (i.e. M.O.T test certificate or PSV certificate of fitness, etc.) or be exempt from such requirements.

    3.  All entered vehicles must be in a roadworthy condition, and free from any defect which would render the vehicle a danger to others, and / or contravene current legislation.

    4.  All vehicles need to be in position by 11.00am (unless stated otherwise) and remain in situ. There is no vehicle movement permitted until at least 2.00pm (unless a later time is specified), unless the event is abandoned due to inclement weather. Exceptions are only permissible in the event of a genuine emergency – in which case a member of the event staff must be notified, so that the vehicle can be safely escorted from the event arena, to the public highway.

    5.  A maximum speed limit of 5-MPH applies on site for duration of the events.

    6.  All entrants must follow the instructions of Event Stewards in high visibility clothing, who are enforcing the health and safety requirements of the site owners and / or the risk assessments / agreed traffic management plans. Any entrant disregarding instructions from bona fide event stewards or officials, will be asked to leave the event.

    7.  Parking spaces are allocated on a ‘first come – first served’ basis, as we cannot reserve places for entrants to park close to friends or relatives. If you wish to do so, you must arrive together

    8.  Anyone using offensive or abusive language and / or actions causing harassment, alarm or distress towards event staff / stewards, or fellow participants or visitors, will be asked to leave, and may involve a report to the Police.

    9.  The event organiser reserves the right to refuse an application at their discretion. 

    10.  If you know that your vehicle drips oil, please use a drip tray to ensure no damage to the site is caused

    11.  No refuelling may take place on site

    12. No loud music.

    13.  Event Staff or Stewards must be immediately notified of any incident or danger. 

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    The above Terms & Conditions are an essential part of our responsible obligations – to ensure that we have an event which is safe and enjoyable for all participants, including members of the public visiting and local residents and businesses.

    This event is arranged by Driffield Town Council in partnership with the Driffield Town Centre Steering Group. If you own a business in Driffield and would like to get involved, please contact the Town Clerk on 01377 254160 or email