The Planning Committee meets on the second Tuesday of each month, with the exception of August.
Driffield Town Council are a statutory consultee in the planning process, which means the Planning Authority – the East Riding of Yorkshire Council – consult the Town Council on planning applications that are received for Driffield and Little Driffield. As we are neighbours of Kirkburn, we also receive applications appertaining to the Showground and the former RAF base.
The Planning Committee receive full, outline, reserved matters, listed building, conservation, Regulation 4 and advertising consent applications, as well as those of an environmental nature, including tree works and felling.
We also are consulted on development plans and revisions and all statutory and non-statutory plans at regional and national level that are deemed to have an impact on the town. Any proposals effecting public rights of way are also within the remit of the Planning Committee, as well as any breaches of planning control or policy and any appeals made to the Government Planning Inspectorate.